My going-away present from Shelbie.
- A picture of her silly, wonderful self. It's a very funny picture... On it she wrote, "Don't you forget about me" a la Simple Minds.
- A Halloween craft/recipe magazine and a Whole Living magazine.
- A laundry bag for my drrrrrty clothes.
- A gift card for Starbucks (yay! I don't have to give up coffee because I'm broke... yet!)
- A 6 pack... of Ramen!
- Hello Kitty bandaids!!
- Gigantic paperclips
- Q-Tips
- Ear plugs
- A rubber band ball
- A funky little pen
- Some cash money and
- A roll of quarters so I can do laundry!
A map of Boston... and two faces I'm going to miss a lot!!
She's my bestest friend in the whole wide world... I don't know what I'm going to do without her! Who will finish my sentences? I'll have to speak whole thoughts! :(
Well, I'm going to pack up the computer now and get to work on packing the car... Next time I write, I'll be on the other side of the state line.
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