Friday, September 2, 2011

One Day Left

There's only one day left until I leave for school. Today I went to the doctor thinking that maybe I should get the sore throat I've had for the past two weeks checked out and, yes, I do have something going in the ears/throat. Great. So I got medicine to take and hopefully I can kick this thing before classes actually start on the twelfth.

Do you see anything, Doc?

So when I went to get my prescription at the supermarket, I also went grocery shopping for the first couple of weeks when I'm at school. Buying groceries for one? An interesting experience. Horizon Organics milk (that's the kind that doesn't need to go in the fridge before you open it), cereal, crackers, peanut butter, fruit cups, and - of course - ramen noodles. :)

Now the tricky part, getting it all into the one pink crate I've reserved for food...

Tetris: Kitchen Edition

Overflowing? ... Fail.

Okay, so it doesn't all fit... But that's okay... Hopefully I can fit everything in my stepdad's SUV. Hopefully.

Maybe I can fit in another blog post before I pack up my laptop tomorrow... Otherwise, I'll see you post-move!! 

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