Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anna Rose at the Ames Hotel

So, I like to read dig, an online (and print) source for music/theater/arts/tv/food/etc. Pretty much, if you live in Boston, read it and you can find stuff to do. I got an email today that listed all the goings on and I saw the intro to this article that said Anna Rose would be playing at the Ames. I was hooked because she covered one of my favorite songs from Arcade Fire, "My Body is a Cage." Okay, so it's five o' clock when I read this and the article says 6-9. I asked around campus and put it out on facebook but, you know, with literally an hour until the show, no one was free. I almost decided against going but I'm glad I didn't.

I got to the Ames at 7 and ordered the obligatory drink (free actually means "buy a drink" so I bought a coke because that's how I roll, homes) and Anna Rose came on shortly after. I scored a nice spot where I could lean back against a column and listen to the music. I was immediately glad that I'd surpassed my "shy" tendencies.

Anna Rose's voice is filled with emotion, her lyrics reflect hard work and real life. She isn't manufactured and I'm glad because her words, her music, her voice, her essence is real and that comes across when she's joking around with her band between songs, when she's telling the audience which drinks sound good, and when she's laying her soul out for everyone to see (well, hear).

I bought her CD after the show so I could continue to listen and... she gave me her set list! How awesome is that? :)

So I'm really glad that I went out tonight because I would have missed some awesome music and a great experience in "doing things solo."

Please check out Anna Rose on itunes, her CD is called "Nomad"
She's also on facebook and twitter so be sure to like/follow her!

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