Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Whole Entire Life

I can't believe it - with the exception of a few things I know I'm going to need over the next few days (clothes, pillows, alarm clock, this computer, etc.) I'm all packed up and ready to move! This is, pretty much, my whole entire life!! 

1 Trunk
7 Boxes
2 Bags
1 Hamper
and some miscellaneous stuff it just didn't make sense to pack...

I think there might be one more box if I can get some grocery shopping done while I'm still at home...

What's staying at home?
Knick knacks
A huge dresser full of books
My guitar and piano (for now)
My sewing machine (maybe - it's not that big... and I kind of need it for my etsy store... and to mend anything while I'm at school...)
My furniture (my bed, three bookshelves, a dresser)
My drumset
Three hampers of clothes/shoes

I wonder why I have all this stuff if I'm not going to use it... though the furniture and instruments make sense, so many books and knick knacks really don't...

One of my goals at school this year is to simplify, simplify, simplify... Hopefully living in the smaller space will help me with that. I hope.

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