Lent is quickly approaching. This Wednesday, many of us will go to church, receive the imposition of ashes, and give up something for Lent.
Last year I gave up alcohol, the year before that sweets of any kind, and so on... And while "giving these things up" made going to the bar or dessert a little less enjoyable, I realize, for me at least, there was nothing in them that actually worked on my relationship with the Divine.
This year, I'm giving up one thing and taking on another.
I'm giving up negative self-talk. So, when I jokingly say negative things about myself or when I say negative things about myself and mean it, or when I catch myself thinking negative things about myself... I'm going to stop myself and say a short prayer/affirmation.
I'm taking on the practice of simplifying my own life - speaking in material terms - and of giving to those in need. I will make at least one run to Goodwill each week. I will not buy any shoes/clothes/etc. during Lent. Basically, if it's not food or school supplies, I don't really need to have it. And too much stuff, materially, tends to make me feel claustraphobic and cluttered emotionally, so we'll work on that this Lent by trying to trim it out of the material in an effort to help out on the emotional side as well.
What are you doing for Lent?
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