Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mid-Term Time!

Well, I've been working on papers and studying for most of the weekend. This is mid-terms week!

My paper for Worship class is done, I've got a good start on my History paper. I need to study a LOT more for Old Testament because I'm not good at memorizing maps so... I don't really know Assyria from Judah from what have you yet... It just doesn't stick... but I'll learn it.

I'm also participating in the campus coffeehouse on Wednesday night so that will be fun. I'm going to play guitar and sing... probably a song from The Pogues, but I'm still not sure. Maybe, if I can get a small enough file, I will put it up here for y'all to enjoy. :)

So, this is really just a quick check in because it's been a few days. More after mid-terms are done!

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