Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Celebrating Sukkot

Tonight was awesome, really amazing.

I need to preface the explanation of the night with this: (caution for the easily offended/young - there is a swear that also means donkey herein) there is a bar down the hill that hosts a trivia night. Every Wednesday a bunch of people gather, most every week there is - among the many other teams - a team from ANTS and a team from the rabbinical school next door. We are the Sinister Ministers, Hebrew College is the Bad Ass Rabbis. Trivia is a great time of community building, not only on our own teams, but, it turns out, between our two schools.

This evening, the Sinister Ministers were invited to join the Bad Ass Rabbis to begin the Sukkot celebration. It was amazing. A slight mist didn't keep us from enjoying each other's company. There was plenty of fruit and baked goods (amazing almond biscotti!), apple cider, and other libations. Sukkot is a holiday where the Jewish people have to be happy, and they were and they shared that with us! We ate in a sukkah in the backyard of one of the students and his wife. We had some great dialogue about the different faiths represented (different types of Christianity, UU, and, of course, Judaism were all around the table) and questions from all parties were welcomed.

An example of a sukkah, though this is not the one we celebrated in... this one is from Google Images...

The atmosphere was one of friendship and generosity. It was a real blessing to be a part of the beginning of Sukkot with the Bad Ass Rabbis... I just hope that we can continue the conversation that has started up the past few weeks!

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