Monday, August 15, 2011

Balance is Important in Yoga (and in Life)

Well, today I officially gave my two week resignation saying 'Thanks but now I'm going to school so I can work for Jesus,' or, well, that's a paraphase, I guess. Though I've seen it coming for a long time, it was still a little nerve-wracking. Now I really don't have a job after these next two weeks, now I really am moving in only 21 days, I'm going to need to find a job and make new friends (and leave the old), and get back into the school work mindset (after a nice, long summer off...), oh, and perhaps the hardest part of it all, I'm going to have to wake up at the crack of dawn for my 8 AM classes.

We've all been anxious about things before, and we've all made it through just fine... And yet, these things keep weighing on me. I have faith that once I get up there and get settled (and find a job), this will all quiet down... But today it was such a racket inside my head that I couldn't even focus at yoga class.

I was the wobbliest and most tense person in that room... I think my yoga teacher could tell. I did, after all, have to modify every single pose. And it took me a long time to get into meditation...

I usually leave yoga feeling awesome, balanced, grounded... kind of like I've just been praying with my entire body... Today I felt... kind of let down...

This was me today. From WeHeartIt

Well, it's the truth - every day is not going to be absolutely on-top-of-the-world amazing, and we're not going to leave every yoga class (or whatever activity we may do to relax) completely centered, but the one thing I know about bad days is that God wants us even then... Even when we mess everything up and spill milk on ourselves walking into work and swear at the woman who pulled out in front of us even though she had plenty of time and we were just being a teensy bit touchy...

Yes, even when we're down, God wants us. God wants to hold us close and help us back up, help us dust the dirt off our knees so we can greet another day...

And you know what, after talking it out and reminding myself of this, I'm honestly feeling a lot better about this all. How great is our God? :)

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