Sunday, January 1, 2012

Things I Did in 2011:

  • Graduated from SCSU (with a B.A. in English & with a GPA that was over 3 points higher than the GPA I left school with in Spring 06)
  • Was accepted to Andover Newton!!
  • Moved to Massachusetts
  • Started Seminary :)
  • Placed in the Connecticut State University Poetry Contest and the Connecticut State University Fiction Contest
  • Had a music benefit held in my honor
  • Had/have teachers who really inspire me to learn
  • Went to UCC General Synod in Tampa
  • Was attacked by a pigeon at UCC General Synod in Tampa
  • Built what was probably the coolest long-term fort ever in my room (yeah, i still do that at 24... it is an accomplishment)
  • Left the publisher I used to work at, started working at Starbucks (stahbucks)
  • Experienced, like, the longest winter ever... and then a crazy hurricane in the summer
  • Read my poetry in public (at the Buttonwood Tree) with some great friends
  • Went to my childhood best friend's wedding
  • Saw my friend direct Pirates of Penzance
  • Watched my youth group kids go off to follow their dreams
  • Was published in Folio literary magazine :)
  • Sent out poetry to other magazines
  • Learned hand-building for ceramics
  • Took piano lessons (for college credit!)
  • Had a summer off from school (the first in 5 years!!)
  • Made some awesome new friends at school/my new job <3 (this is my favorite!)
  • And most recently: I bought a shelf (like two days ago) and it is the very first piece of furniture I bought for myself while not living with my family... I don't know if that should be an accomplishment, but I think it is. (it's a real classy shelf too... one of those MDF, pre-drilled holes, laminated shelves.) :)

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